FIBA 33 Geelong

3X3 Geelong Elite Team Entry

The elite division of the 3X3geelong serves as a qualifier for FIBA's World Tour event in Vladivostok, Russia, on July 22 and 23 2012.

Two teams, being the two grand finalists from the 3X3geelong elite division, will earn the right to travel to the event in Russia, with 3X3geelong organizers paying for return airfares to the event, departing from and returning to Melbourne.

The FIBA World Tour event will be conducted by FIBA, and FIBA provide accommodation and other local services while at and participating in the World Tour Event.

The following makes up the terms and conditions for the event in Geelong, and any responsibilities you may have in relation to this event and subsequent participation in the World Tour Event in Vladivostok.

Additionally, this event forms part of the selection process for the Australian Mens 3x3 team, which will participate in the first FIBA 3x3 Men’s world Championship in August 2012 (Aug 23-27).

To register your team select 'New Team Registration'

My team is registered in this league/association, and I know my team code and password

I would like to request my team code and password

New Team Registration